Sunday, August 7, 2011

~Day 18 – A picture of your favorite lolita style.~

Classic and Sweet (More a Baby the stars shine bright sweet than an Angelic Pretty sweet, however I enjoy both of their uniqe way of sweet.) are my favorite Lolita styles. and this picture pretty much summed it up. a beautiful mixture of both Classic and Sweet in one coordinate. ^^v (I borrowed this picture from tumblr: )


~Day 17 – What do you want more than anything right now?~

A Money Tree.
I know money can't buy happiness and love and all things really important. however, there are alot of things I want and money can make that come true. Obviously I want things like more Lolita clothes, shoes, bjds, and tv-series and other things. But I also want to experiance things, so travel is something I could do if I had a money tree with a never ending amount of money.

But other than Money, I would really like to get well, right now I'm constantly sick and my body aches every minute of everyday, and that is really tiresome. So if I wasn't sick and if my body stopped aching I could live my life more fully. So this is obviously what I want the most. If I got well, I would have no problem getting a job and ergo get the money I want. But right now I'm hindered by my health. But I'm used to this, and that is why money comes to mind first, I suppose. ^^v


~Day 16 – Your outfit for the day.~

I wore this outfit yesterday:
JSK: homemade
RHS: ebay
Necklace: baby the stars shine bright
bag: homemade
the rest: Offbrand.

I went to a BJD meetup, and we had a Dark Tea Party theme. so my makeup was alot darker than I usually have it, but it was alot of fun. ^^v


~Day 15 – A picture of your last lolita purchase.~

I think this pretty JSK from Baby the stars shine bright was the latest Lolita purchase for me. I bought it second hand from another Swedish Lolita. ^^v
