Monday, June 7, 2010

~Rose Cherubim Lolita Half Bonnet~

I've fallen in love with OphanimGothique's Rose Cherubim Lolita Half Bonnet:

It's absolutly stunning. ^^
It's the writer of F*** yeah lolita who makes these incredible creations. ^^
Unfortunatly I can't afford it right now, but a girl can dream. ^^ and also unfortunatly, I don't own a bonnet at all, so I don't know if it would suit me. ~ But I guess sometime in the future I'll get to try/buy one. ^^v

Ophanim blog:


~Thanks and Edit~

I would just like to say thank you to everyone who participated in my questionary for school. I've allready finished my paper, so I don't need anymore answers, but if you feel like answering them anyways, I don't mind getting them sent to my mail. ^^v

And I have to edit my secondhand shopping post, since I didn't buy the heart ribbon bag. My extern harddrive started sounding and acting really wierd so I couldn't buy such an expensive bag then. ^^ but that's Okey, I've allready bought two dresses so I'm happy. My Angelic Pretty jsk which you've all seen and I'm waiting for my Baby the stars shine bright dress which I'm also buying second hand. ^^v
the Baby dress I'm talking about:


Sunday, June 6, 2010

~Lolita day! 5th of June 2010~

On the international Lolita day I went to a local Lolita picnic. ^^

I curled my hair and wore a hat that my sister Anette made for me. ^^

Bolero: Bodyline
JSK: Angelic Pretty
The rest: Offbrand. ^^v

So this is how the dress I bought second hand looks. I absolutly love it. ^_^

My niece Enika, me and my sister Sanna.~

My sisters Klara and Anette, Enika and Klaras boyfriends daughter Lilja. ^^

I got to talk to Tsuyu for the first time, he's such a sweetheart. ^^
I really enjoyed talking to him and he's super cute. ^^

I wanted a photo with some other lolitas. ^^
Louise, Tove, Tsuyu and myself. ^^v
(there where more people there but I'm to lazy to upload a whole bunch of pictures. sorry. ^^v)

This meetup were alot more fun then the other one, since this time we all sat in a circle and could see and talk to everyone there. we were not in little groups this time, so like I said, that's a plus. ^^v
It was sort of special since the local newspaper interviewed some of us and took photos. ^^ the journalists were really nice and professional. Now I'm really looking forward to see the artical about this. But I'll have to wait until next Saturday. ^^

For my Swedish readers:
Har mer bilder från picknicken på min bilddagbok:
